

Translation bureau is a translation service provider that handles the translation activity as a comprehensive process, including editing and reviewing before delivery.

Translator translates written text.

Interpreter translates oral speech.

Translation service – written translation that includes editing, terminologist’s work, if necessary, and delivery review.

Interpreting service – oral translation that falls under three types: whispered interpreting, consecutive interpreting and simultaneous interpreting.

Machine translation post-editing – editing machine-generated translation by a human.

Whispered interpreting – the interpreter quietly translates for a small group of 1–3 people simultaneously with a lector. No special equipment is required for whispered interpreting.

Consecutive interpreting – a speaker makes a presentation part by part and the interpreter presents the same material in the target language as close as possible to the source text. The speaker and interpreter speak in turns.

Simultaneous interpreting – an interpreter speaks simultaneously with the speaker. The interpreter works in a separate cubicle and the translation is transmitted in the listeners’ earphones at practically synchronously with the speaker’s text. This type of interpreting requires special equipment.

Source text / original text – text translated into another language.

Translation text – source text that has been translated in the target language.

Source language – language of the source text.

Target language – language into which the text is translated.

Light post-editing (LPE) – post-editing of machine translation carried out to produce a text that is merely comprehensible, but nowhere close to human translation. The aim is to convey the content of the original text very accurately, without adding or omitting anything, while ensuring that all sentences correspond to the original and are unambiguous. However, errors in grammar, wording, and style are not corrected as part of LPE.

Full post-editing (FPE) – post-editing of machine translation carried out to obtain a result comparable to that of human translation. The aim is to create a translation that is accurate, comprehensible, and stylistically correct, with proper wording, grammar, and punctuation.

Editing – checking the translation in terms of content and subject field.

Proofreading – reading of the translation by another person to check and correct it in terms of language and intelligibility.

Delivery review – overall checking of a translation, so that all parts of the source text are translated and names/numbers in the text are correct and the format meets the requirements of the contracting entity.

Support services – services offered by the translation bureau to enhance the work quality: compilation of word lists and translation memories; development of terminology; language and professional consultations; localization; printing; writing on data storage devices; review before print; layout; design-work; publishing, etc.

Localization – adjusting the translation text keeping in mind the language and cultural environment of the end user.